Toylaxy PVC場景雕像系列《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》第二波的開箱視頻
- 07 Jul, 2021
想看《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》第二波的Marvel figure的開箱?來點Buy 啦!
非常感謝 Figure Collecting 4 Dummy Toylaxy PVC場景雕像系列《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》第二波的Marvel Figures開箱。一起來看看這系列的Marvel Figure吧。
包裝盒的3面是透明膠面,展示內部的Marvel figure。 您可通過包裝看到入面figure的前,左,右!!! 包裝的配色遵循Avengers: Endgame的主題色,在包裝的背面顯示了第二波的所有角色。 這次第二波有五個角色。包裝的側面還有個大的角色特寫,很可愛。
第二波的角色有:Hawkeye,Black Widow,Ant-man,Captain Marvel,和War machine。
封條完好無損,確保它是全新的。 然後,用𠝹刀將箱子切開。打開包裝的方法很簡單,入面一切都保存得非常好。
包裝入面有張單張。 在單張一面,Thanos面向所有復仇者角色。 在另一面,您有第二波每個角色的特寫,你可看到Mike(Toylaxy負責人)的簽名,證明每個figure都是正品。
現在看包裝內的內容。 他們用了很多膠帶確保Marvel figure上不會出現漆膜刮傷。 因此,它的頂部,背面和底部的包裝十分好。 膠帶包得非常緊,您不需要再用紮帶來固定Marvel figure,figure不會跌出來,也不會在盒內移動。您只需要先將其包裝盒打開,然後再將Marvel figure的”保護殼”推出,就可把Figure拿出來了。 所以,在包裝方面它做得非常好。
War Machine
事先聲明,我不是figure方面的專家。但作為figure收藏者,我很喜歡這系列中,Avengers 的角色設計,雖然不算太寫實,但Q版的Figure設計真是非常好玩和特別。
這個figure上的細節非常細緻。 印花和細節都做得很好。我喜歡它們底座的特殊設計,就像這裡的War Machine figure一樣,您可看到火焰透明地從助推器中噴出,這特效我非常喜歡。
我唯一希望這個War Machine Figure 改進的是,希望火焰特效不是固定的部件,以方便我們可以自己在入面加入 LED 燈,豐富整個figure。
看一下這個頭盔,肩膀,裝甲,甚至肩膀上的章,您可看到美國軍隊標誌。 是Mark VI在這條大腿上展示的。 試想像,如它們可加光管或LED 燈照亮胸部反應器位置,那麼一定很帥!
我們可看到這個Ant-Man 的跑步姿勢做得很有動感,細節十分到位。
有個困擾我的地方是,希望所有的底座可拼在一起,所以他們公司在未來可考慮一下使用拼圖型底座,讓我們可在上面組合不同人物並將其底座拼在一起以創建更大的Avengers 王國。
Captain Marvel
接下來是驚奇隊長。首先,她figure的髮型和在Avengers: Endgame 入面的略有不同,因她在Endgame 入面是短髮造型的。但您可看到這個Captain Marvel Figure是長髮的。 這可能是來自她本身《驚奇隊長》的電影造型。
她在拳頭上具有特效,底座是具有特殊效果。 像War Machine Figure一樣,但這次底座特效是透明的。
The color of its hands is very beautiful, it is a gradient color, with skillful design, which is very detailed. The clothing is also very beautiful, whether it is the color, the star design, or the back design is exquisite.
Black widow
Then we have Natasha. Although the character looks too Q's version, like a cartoon character, not like a character that appears in the face.
But in terms of details, you can see the iconic red ponytail and yellow hair tail of the black widow. Moreover, the details of the black widow's tights are also very beautiful. You can see the exquisite printed products. Each detail is the best. Her iconic black widow belt buckle is portrayed very real.
Eagle eye
The last is Hawkeye Figure. There is a hawk eye holding a bow and arrow in the single. I like this hawkeye hairstyle.
The shape is very beautiful, but the expression is a bit strange, because the eyes do not know where to look. Even so, the details of this Hawkeye Figure still surprised me. There are different types of black on its gloves and protective clothing. Choose different blacks to display different materials, just like in a movie.
You can see Hawkeye's posture are very detailed!
From this poster, you can see how impressive the first and second waves are. This series is not necessarily suitable for each Marvel Figure collector, because they are Q version, but of course, I like this series very much.
Their company will only produce 2,000 limited edition Figure for each character. For those who want to find interest and fashion appearance, you will definitely fall in love with them. I know that each character has its own independent signing certificate.
I believe they will be very suitable for your desk and your home.
Come and learn more about the following links.