Why do we need a portable external screen?
- 17 Feb, 2021
Portable external screens are the necessities of our work and life!
Almost everyone uses a computer, tablet, and even smart phone to make daily work tools. They are more convenient than computers on the table because we can carry these devices with them. Most people choose a 13 -inch laboratory, because the computer of this size will be lighter, but it is still a bit heavy for carrying a computer out with you. Although some people use 11 -inch tablets, the screen is always a bit small. If you need to work all day, the size of the screen is too small or causes damage to the eyes. Therefore, we need an extra screen.
1. Improve work efficiency
Have you ever tried because the screen of the larvae is not large enough, so you need to keep changing the browser when working? If we need to read two files at the same time, the font of the file will be reduced. Therefore, a portable external screen can solve this problem.
You can use a portable external screen to add the screen you can use to two, and you can open two or more programs at the same time. Even if you have a video meeting with your guests, you can also check the inventory while watching YouTube videos, which can improve your work efficiency.
2. Work and entertain anytime, anywhere
If your job needs to talk to guests in different places, sometimes you need to introduce your suggestions. But the screen of the computer may be too small to let you introduce your thoughts well. If you carry a 15 -inch computer out, it will increase the burden on your bag. If you don't need to go out to interview with guests frequently, there is no problem using any type of laptop computer. But if you need to carry a computer to go out or do it, the size of the computer is a very important factor. Therefore, you need a portable external screen.
Most of the external screens weigh lighter. For example, Lexuma XScreen is only 0.7kg, which is similar to the weight of the iPad Pro, which is very portable. Even if you carry a computer and XSCREEN, you will not feel a lot of burden, which can help you show your thoughts to your customers.
Still feel that it is not too convenient to carry a computer and external screen? The current external screen can connect the phone to the tablet. You do not need to carry a laptop, and you can smoothly express your plan.
If I am just a student, the external screen seems not useful for me. of course not! External screens can not only play a role in work, but also have its own use in entertainment. You can connect your game device, such as PS3/4, Switch, and Xbox One. You can play overCooked with a larger screen with a larger screen! If you are a game lover, you must like the external display very much!
Flying time is very long, ready to start your movie world? But the screen of the hand -to -hand phone is too small, and it is not healthy for the eyes for a long time. Therefore, you need an external screen! Connect your external screen and phone, you can watch the movie with a larger screen, and you can share your movie with the passengers next to it! There may be a chance to meet new friends!
3. Simple operation
The traditional external screen requires an independent power supply channel. Without the power supply, we cannot use the external screen. Some external screens only support HDMI connections, and sometimes you can find a HDMI connection cable anytime, anywhere. So, how is the portable external screen connected?
The latest portable external screen requires only one USB Type-C line or HDMI cable to synchronize power supply and transmission image. You no longer need additional power supply. Even the external charger can supply the portable external screen. The diversified power supply method makes the use of portable external screens more convenient and fast.
In addition, when you need to use an external screen, you don't need any settings. Just use USB Type-C or HDMI to connect to connect your computer/smart phone/tablet computer and external screen, and you can expand your screen. Because the new portable external screen supports USB Type-C, the connection will be more convenient. Lexuma XScreen can also use USB Type-C to connect power and image output at the same time.
The above is the reason for the three must -have portable external screens. Still using your computer? Why not buy a portable screen immediately to improve your work efficiency?